
Unit 1: AEM – An Overview

  1. CXM Overview
  2. The Adobe Experience Cloud for Customer Experience Management
  3. History of AEM
  4. Installation and Setup
  5. AEM Consoles
  6. Basics of different run modes.
  7. Assets/DAM

Unit 2: Architecture and Concepts

  1. Web Application Technologies and CMS
  2. Basic concepts and Terminologies
  3. Understanding the AEM Architecture
  4. Dispatcher

Unit 3: Authoring

  1. Working with Author Environment
  2. Working with Touch UI and Classic UI

Unit 4: Templates and Components

  1. CRXDE basics
  2. CRXDE Folder Structure
  3. Static and Editable Templates
  4. Parsys, iParsys
  5. How to create Components, Design Mode
  6. Responsive Grid
  7. Core Vs Foundation Components
  8. Create Template and Thumbnail.
  9. Create content page Component
  10. Create a webpage with custom components using core components and modifying them using Overlay and Override

Unit 5: Dialog and cqDialog

  1. Dialog: Configure a component
  2. Framework and UI
  3. Coral UI and Granite UI

Unit 6: ClientLibs

  1. ClientLibs in AEM
  2. Properties and Debugging ClientLibs
  3. Creating ClientLibs for a webpage

Unit 7: Sightly – A Template Language

  1. HTL – An Introduction
  2. HTL Java- Use API
  3. Sling Model API
  4. HTL Javascript – Use API
  5. Create a webpage with custom components
    • Rich Text Field with all features including a color picker
    • Image component which allows to drag and drop from the DAM or browse from the file system
    • Multifield component (Single level and multi-level)
  6. Create a navigation menu using sling model

Unit 8: OSGi Concepts

  1. Create AEM Project in Eclipse
  2. Validate Bundle in OSGi
  3. OSGi Architecture and concepts
  4. Manage maven dependencies.
  5. Implementing OSGi configuration

Unit 9: Troubleshooting AEM Projects

  1. Create custom log files by using the Web console
  2. Configure and manage AEM log levels for specific AEM environments
  3. Troubleshoot caching issues related to the Dispatcher and browsers
  4. Troubleshoot AEM configurations

Unit 10: Workflow and CUGs

  1. Basics of the AEM Workflow Model
  2. How to create a Workflow Model in AEM
  3. How to add, edit, start and test Workflow Model in AEM
  4. Assign an existing workflow to a page for activation

Unit 11: Dispatcher

  1. Configure Dispatcher
  2. Configure rewrite rules

Unit 12: AEM Additional Features

  1. Security (User, Group, Permission management)
  2. Replication
  3. Package Manager – Create and install Package
  4. Content Fragments
  5. Experience Fragments
  6. Personalization
  7. Communities
  8. Cloud Service
  9. Package Share
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