Unit 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing

  1. Cloud Computing
  2. Why Cloud Computing?
  3. Benefits of Cloud Computing
  4. Cloud deployment and service models
  5. Horizontal vs. vertical scaling

Unit 2: AWS Introduction

  1. Introduction to AWS
  2. Elastic Computing
  3. Introduction to the AWS products
  4. AWS Global Infrastructure and its benefits
  5. Regions and Availability Zones
  6. Signing up for AWS
  7. AWS Free usage tier
  8. Introduction AWS management console

Unit 3: Security Management in AWS

  1. User management through Identity Access Management (IAM)
  2. Various access policies across AWS Services
  3. API keys service access
  4. Best practices for IAM
  5. Key Management Service
  6. Access billing and create alerts on billing

Unit 4: EC2 Instance’s

  1. Understanding AMI
  2. Launching your first AWS instance
  3. On-demand Instance pricing
  4. Reserved Instance pricing
  5. Spot instance pricing
  6. Setting up security
  7. Security groups
  8. Choosing the AMI
  9. Creating a new AMI
  10. Public and Private IP’s
  11. Deploying a new instance from the created

Unit 5: EBS (Elastic Block Storage)

  1. Create EBS volumes
  2. Delete EBS Volume
  3. Attach and detach EBS volumes
  4. Mounting and un-mounting EBS volume
  5. Creating and deleting snapshots
  6. Creating volumes from snapshots
  7. Deploying a new instance from the created

Unit 6: Object Storage Options

  1. S3 bucket – Creation, Version Control, Security, Replication, Transfer Acceleration
  2. Storage classes in S3
  3. Life cycle policy in S3
  4. Cost optimization for S3
  5. CloudFront – Create and configure with S3
  6. Snowball
  7. Storage Gateway and its types

Unit 7: Load balancing, Auto-scaling and Route 53

  1. Elastic Load Balancer and its types
  2. Comparison of Classic, Network and Application Load Balancer
  3. Auto-Scaling
  4. Components of Auto-Scaling
  5. Lifecycle of Auto-Scaling
  6. Auto-Scaling policy
  7. Working of Route 53
  8. Various Routing Policies

Unit 8: Database services and Analytics

  1. Amazon RDS and its benefits
  2. Amazon DynamoDB
  3. ElastiCache
  4. Amazon RedShift
  5. AWS Kinesis

Unit 9: Networking and Monitoring Services

  1. VPC – Benefits and Components
  2. CIDR Notations
  3. Network Access Control List vs Security Groups
  4. NAT – Network Address Translation
  5. VPC peering
  6. AWS CloudWatch
  7. AWS CloudTrail
  8. Trusted Advisor

Unit 10: Configuration Management and Automation

  1. AWS CloudFormation
  2. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  3. Differentiate between CloudFormation, and Beanstalk

Unit 11: Applications Services and AWS Lambda

  1. AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
  2. AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  3. AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS)
  4. AWS Simple Workflow (SWF)
  5. AWS Lambda
  6. Amazon Elastic Transcoder

Unit 12: AWS Architectural Designs – II

  1. Well-Architected Framework
  2. Specify Secure Applications and Architectures
  3. Design Cost-Optimized Architectures
  4. Define Operationally-Excellent Architectures
  5. Overview of AWS certification
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